
We Specialise In Metalworking Lubrication & Custom-Made Machines For Automatic Application Of Lubricants

What We Offer:

  • Specialised lubricants for the working of most metals: solids and profiles and hollow sections – hot and cold.
  • Machines for the application of metalworking lubricants to most metalworking machines: Sawing, pressing, forging, stamping, die casting, drilling, milling, turning, etc.
  • Machines for the application of paints or marking inks in combination with eddy current, x-ray or other fault detection equipment, or to colour code and band mark tubes and other materials and products.
  • Centralised lubrication equipment for the automatic lubrication of multiple grease or oil points on production machines in a highly controlled and accurately monitored mode.

Producut (Pty) Ltd’s capabilities and expertise extend across all industries. The sales and production teams are always available to evaluate and discuss requirements and to help customers identify and implement the most practical, efficient and cost-effective solutions.

We offer specialised lubricants and custom-built machines for the automatic application of lubricants to the following:


Operations that include, amongst others:

  • Sawing
  • Cutting
  • Slitting
  • Scalping
  • Drilling
  • Tapping
  • Forging
  • Die Casting
  • CNC Pressing Operations

Products are available for:

  • Aluminium
  • Steel
  • Stainless steel
  • Yellow metals
  • Cast iron

Marking Systems:

Band Marking:

Automatic spray guns equipped with road marking type nozzles for the marking of tubes or other materials.

Colour Coding:

Hand-held or automatic multi-colour systems for marking different materials for easier identification.

Defect Marking Units:

In combination with X-ray, Eddy current or any other fault detection device.

Centralised Lubrication Systems:

We customise Internationally reputable Centralized lubrication equipment for the automatic lubrication of multiple grease and oil points on production machines for highly controlled and accurately monitored results.

Reliable centralized equipment reduces the risk of human error and expensive breakdowns.

Early warning systems can dramatically reduce the risk of friction points running “dry”. Production equipment can “shut down” before it breaks down.

Often very expensive equipment is exposed to human error on critical lubrication points which are often hard to reach. Accurately monitoring equipment can accurately lubricate and protect such points.


Custom-built machines for the automatic application of micro quantities of lubrication to metalworking operations in an economical, safe reliable and accurate manner.


Air atomizing machines for the application of lubricant to saw blades – 2,3,4 nozzles for smaller and bigger blades. These machines can be adapted for circular saws, band saws, dyna-cutters etc.

Lubricants And Applicators Are Available For:

1. Sawing

Aluminium: All Alloys – HSS, TCT Circular Saws, Low & High-Speed Bandsaws For The Sawing Of:

  • Ingots & T-Bars
  • Billets
  • Plates and Sheets
  • Profiles – Hot and Cold. Special no-stain lubricants are available for profiles to be annealed.

Yellow Metals – No-Stain Lubricants For Yellow Metals For The Application On HSS, TCT Circular and Badsaws For The Sawing Of:

  • Billets, cold and hot e.g. on continuous casting machines
  • Profiles
  • Forging billets

Steel and Stainless Steel – Cold Saws, Hot Saws, Bandsaws & Dyna Cutting:

  • Tubes & Profiles
  • Cast Iron
  • Exhaust Manifolds
  • Casting Runners

2. Scalping

Aluminium: The Removing of Aluminium in Heavy Operations Can Be Lubricated Successfully by Using Our Applicators And Lubricants

3. Drilling & Tapping

Special custom-made applicators are available for the automatic cleaning and lubricating of drills and taps. Lubricants for the drilling and tapping of most materials are available.

4. Forging

Solid lubricants for use in the forging of different metals are available. Solid lubricants can also be applied automatically to the tool or die.

5. Die Casting

Applicators as well as lubricants are available for Die Casting.

6. Press Operations

Lubricant can be applied in the following modes:

  • Direct Tool Lubrication: Critical places in a tool can remotely be lubricated without any tool modifications. Often lubrication prior applied to the material is insufficient such problems can be eliminated.
  • Material Lubrication: Fine adjustable spraying of lubricant on the material eliminates uneven and erratic coverage and spillage of lubricant.

7. CNC Machining

Through spindle and remote tool lubrication. Lubricant can be applied in mist or drops applied over a distance.

During the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) Audit of February 2024, it was concluded that Producut (Pty) Ltd Has again established and maintained its Integrated Management System in conformance with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015; ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001 Standards.

It was also concluded that, based on the evidence obtained during this Recertification Audit, all the audit objectives have been fulfilled and therefore it was recommended to the International Offices in the UK that the Certification of Producut (Pty) Ltd be continued.

In addition, Producut (Pty) Ltd was commended that the Integrated Management System it upholds is outstanding and is a benchmark for the Industry.